Smell The Bicycle

Frequently asked questions

Are you making any money out of this?

No. I'm not! This isn't a profit making venture. I set it up just to help promote Cambridge bands. Any profit from the sales will either go back to the bands on the CD, or towards the costs of promotion, and maybe another compilation CD in the future.

Is there anywhere I can by the CD apart from on this website?

They were selling in the record shops in Cambridge, but those have now sold out, so this site is the only place you can get the CD now.

What happens if I want to order more than one?

If I put two in a packet, it moves up into the "small parcel" category, and is more than twice the cost, so actually it seems to be cheaper to send the two separately (bizarrely). So you can just order a single CD twice, and I'll send them both separately. If you want more than that, get in touch.

Is there anything I can do to help sell/promote the CD?

I'm sure there's loads. Tell all your friends. You could put a link on your website, or mySpace account. If you paste this piece of code into your website, or into the Bio section of your mySpace account, you will give us a nice little button which leads to details of the CD:

<a href="">
<img src=""></a>

It will look like this:

How else can I pay apart from using PayPal?

If you pay online at this site, if you haven't got a PayPal account, you can use a credit or debit card. You could also send me a cheque if you'd prefer. Click on the 'Contact' link and send me your details.

Who designed the fantastic cover?

The cover was designed by Anna Wray, who is the drummer of The Swings. She also designed the cover of 'Balls', the Broken Family Band CD. You can check out her website at

Will there be another compilation CD in the future?

I hope so. If this one is a success, then we'll definitely try to put out another one.

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