Cambridge Riffs

Frequently asked questions

Who are you anyway?

My name is Mike Boursnell, and I am the bass player in Mystery Train, a band based in Cambridge and the surrounding villages. Have a look at our website here.

How do I listen to these shows in iTunes?

The best method is to go to the 'Advanced' menu in iTunes, and click on 'Subscribe to podcast'. Then you type in the details of the URL that contains the RSS feed of the podcast. This is full URL (complete with http://) and is as follows:

If you haven't got a copy of iTunes, you can download it from the Apple site. There are versions for Mac and PC. Download them from here.

When you have iTunes, click on the Podcasts button in the left panel, and then click on 'Podcast directory' at the bottom. Enter Cambridge Riffs in the 'Search all podcasts' box. Alternatively you can go directly to the iTunes Music Store, and search for 'Cambridge Riffs'. However pasting in the RSS feed as described at the beginning of this answer seems to give the most up-to-date results.

Why have you set up Cambridge Riffs?

One of the first podcasts I heard that I really liked was from Austin, Texas, and it was called 'Austin Riffs'! I thought it was such a great idea to have a show that anyone could listen to for free featuring all bands from one area, that I decided to set up a Cambridge equivalent. Have a listen to Austin Riffs here.

What is the definition of a 'Cambridge band'?

Well. Any band living in Cambridge. Or nearish to Cambridge. Or in Cambridgeshire. Or maybe with some connection to Cambridge... Actually, so far the main criterion has been 'Are they on'. Check them out. This is a website with lists of loads and loads of 'Cambridge' bands, and links to their websites, and all sorts of other useful information, such as contact details for the bands. I used them a lot to find bands for these shows. Thanks guys...

What sort of music will you be playing?

We don't have any pre-conceived type of music that we will be focussing on. Just any good music basically. Rock, Blues, Jazz, Folk, Electronic, Reggae, Country... you name it! We might have a theme for a particular show, or then again we might not. Who knows. Let's wait and see.

Will you play everything that's sent to you?

Well, I originally hoped I could, but now I've got so much stuff (155 songs as of Jan 8th, 2006) that I'm not so sure. Each show probably has 8-10 songs on it, so I've already got enough for over 15 shows without any new stuff! I suppose I'll just have to pick tracks I like, and do my best to get everyone in...

What about other Cambridge podcasting or internet radios?

This isn't set up in competition to anyone else. I'm sure there is plenty of room out there for music from Cambridge. Please let me know what you think; I don't want to tread on anyone's toes. Have a listen to the others as well:

Cambridge Music Podcast
209 Radio
CUR 1350

What happens to songs we send you?

I shall pick enough songs for a half hour to 45 minutes radio show, and string them together with some information about the bands (assuming you send some). After that I can hang on to any CDs you send me, and include other tracks in future broadcasts, or I can send them back if you'd wish. It's up to you really.

Does it cost the bands anything?

No. It's free to appear on the show. The server costs are getting a bit more expensive though, now that we are getting so many downloads, so you can contribute a small amount (a quid?) via the podOmatic site here here if you like, if you use PayPal.

What is the copyright situation?

I can't play songs for which I don't have permission of the person who owns the copyright. In the case of unsigned bands this is not a problem, in most cases. The bands will own the copyright. In the case of signed bands, they may still own the copyright, but they may have to get the go-ahead from their label or publisher before sending stuff. If they don't own the copyright I assume they will have to get permission from the owner. How this affects cover versions of songs by living artists, I'm not sure. Please contact me if you know anything about this area, at the e-mail below. Thanks.

Why do we never get to hear Michelle?

I'm sure you will! She just seems to be a bit accident prone. As soon as she is trouble free we'll get her in. You can e-mail her by clicking on the link below:

to wish her well, and to persuade her to show up, if you like.

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